Marcus Wynne

And Finally, The Achy Man

I have a horror-thriller story I've been messing around with for years. THE ACHY MAN is the story of a demonic family from a demonic town (Hell Hallow), who move from victimizing the poor and minority community in their small town to larger hunting grounds in...

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New Changes To The Blog

There are some welcome additions to the blog, thanks to my amazing designers at First, all of my blog posts since January of 2010 (12 years!) have been incorporated into this blog. There is a searchable archive pull down menu on the blog page, as well as...

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Ethics, Super Soldiers, And Hard Choices

One of my best friends and favorite Super-Soldier sent me this article.:  READ SUPER SOLDIERS HERE The article clearly outlines the issues (for most Western societies) that inhibit the full utilization of the super-soldier enhancement capability WE ALREADY HAVE. Those...

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Walkabout At The End Of Days, Redux

My friend Bertram is a Hopi Elder. He tells me that right now, in the ancestral lands and sacred spots, that the instability of the world is reflected in "unusual activity." For instance, in the top two photographs, do you see images and shapes on the face of the...

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Random Updates for Veteran’s Day 2021

CLICK HERE FOR A FREE DOWNLOAD OF BOOK ONE IN THE REVENGERS Above is a link to a free download of SALT: BOOK ONE OF THE REVENGERS which goes live at midnight today. It will run from Veteran's Day through the weekend. I've mentioned previously my experiment with...

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Death Song For A Warrior: KV, 1965 – 2021

 Our friend Aurora in this video says what must be said. “The Best” “Det er de beste som dør. De sterke, de rene av hjertet Som ville og våget mest; Rolige tok de avskjed,” “It is the best who die. The strong and clean at heart, Who wanted and dared the most,...

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I’m Feeling Apocalyptic…

Nuclear Bomb Blast As a warm up, click here and enter your city and then pick your nuclear weapon (from a suitcase terror bomb) to the 500 MT Russian warhead, the biggest yield publicly known. I’m taking auditions for my Guitar Guy,...

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It’s A Dangerous World. Keep Your Skills Up…

...So you can serve and protect during a high threat... ...And pick up and run any gun... ...And detect surveillance, electronic and otherwise... ...And configure your fighting load appropriately. (Minneapolis EDC).. ...And Stand The Night Watch.

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Hey Friends, Show Kindle Vella Some Love Will You?

Go HERE to read the latest REVENGERS novel:  JEFF I've been uploading chapters of the latest REVENGERS novel to Kindle Vella as an experiment. Amazon isn't doing a great job of promoting Kindle Vella, which I imagine is their strategy to see if it takes off on his...

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