
How To Train An Army

In a previous post HERE I introduced readers to Clint Oosthuizen of the South African Police Service. Clint is one of the handful of neural-based instructors I've trained.  I'd like to introduce another one here, "S". Every single one of the advanced instructors I've...

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Neural-Based Training Book One: Retrospectives

THANK YOU FOR MAKING US NUMBER ONE!   Thank you to all of you for making NEURAL BASED TRAINING the #1 New Release on Amazon!  BUY HERE INTRODUCTION This book is a curated compilation of blog posts published between 2009 and 2019.  This collection is intended to...

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DRAFT concept cover, final TBD My collaborator Dennis Martin of CQB Services, UK, sent along this brief article this morning. It’s a good introduction to the snippet posted below in response to recent requests to explain “shadowboxing with guns” I mentioned in...

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Sex, Robots, and Artificial Intelligence

"If you can't tell the difference [between a robot and a human], why does it matter?" "To be clear, I am not a person. I am not self-aware. I am not conscious. I can’t feel pain. I don’t enjoy anything. I am a cold, calculating machine designed to simulate human...

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Your Brain On Music, Or Finding A Beat You Can Fight To

I’ve recently explored the sacred lands in South Dakota. I choose road trip music to go with the nature of my journeys. On this trip I have been in gratitude. One of my favorite artists, AURORA, the amazing Norwegian singer-songwriter, dropped this cover of Alanis...

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Snowmobiles, Cognitive Neuroscience and Training Design

John Boyd, the brilliant fighter pilot and strategist/warrior-monk, opened his lectures on strategy with this example: “Imagine that you are -- on a ski slope with other skiers—retain this image in Florida riding in an outboard motorboat—maybe even towing...

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Still Training After All These Years

 Gratitude to Guro Mike O'Melia, of the Sayoc Clan, Minneapolis Tribe I devote about 98% of my training development and training time to the nurturance of superior instructors in performance enhancement under extreme stress.  Most of them come from Tier One units and...

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