research books

Ethics, Super Soldiers, And Hard Choices

One of my best friends and favorite Super-Soldier sent me this article.:  READ SUPER SOLDIERS HERE The article clearly outlines the issues (for most Western societies) that inhibit the full utilization of the super-soldier enhancement capability WE ALREADY HAVE. Those...

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Yes. It Is Possible To Automate Neural-Based Training.

In addition to Elon Musk's NeuralLink, trans cranial-magnetic stimulation, and other innovations in the weeds, this new technology utilizes light to monitor real-time neural activity. Immense possibilities. A similar technology is used with documented success in...

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Please Show Your Work. Okay —

  Linked below is my first (of several) patent application and supporting schematics. This pertains to one of our processes developed after extensive research and application testing in the real world. This particular training process, when executed as outlined,...

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Mirror Neurons, Facial Recognition, and Training Man-Hunters I ran into this article this morning while doing research on "correlation engines" -- the algorithms and software that conduct fusion and analysis on massive amounts of big-data.  I was struck by the...

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Special Ops and Super Soldiers

READ ARTICLE HERE This excellent article by Mark Bowden (author of BLACK HAWK DOWN, KILLING PABLO, and other excellent titles) gives an overview of the history of special operations forces (SOF) and poses the question whether the exponential use of SOF challenges a...

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The Post-Truth Era*

DEEP FAKE ARTICLE These deep fake videos appeared on Tik Tok a few days ago. They represent a milestone in the technology that supports deep fake video, audio, and still photos. Read the article for the clear explanation of how parallel algorithms enable a level of...

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How To Build A Hyper-Enabled Operator: Belief Systems

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him."-- G.K. Chesterton One of my friends and students is a Sergeant Major in a Tier One unit that among other things conducts deep cover counter-terror...

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