
The Talent War, or How To Find The Finest Warriors

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- BUY HERE I stumbled across this new book while researching selection and assessment. So synchronicity was at play. It turns out that Mike Sarraille and Jocko Willink served with a good friend of mine whose triple thumbs up "Good To Go" bumped THE...

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A Teacher Is Measured By His Students

The most dangerous one is the one in the middle. Warrant Officer Clint Oosthuizen of the South African Police Service is my Brother From Another Mother. He's a master instructor of karate, military combatives, knife combat, handgunnery, combat tactics urban and rural,...

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Jedi Council, circa early 90s

From far left, clockwise around the Council Table: Vince O'Neill, Oklahoma State Police, Old Skool Oklahoma gunfighter; (then) Sergeant Dave Spaulding of the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department, then SWAT and Training; (then) Special Agent Scott Ralston, Federal Air...

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Snowmobiles, Cognitive Neuroscience and Training Design

John Boyd, the brilliant fighter pilot and strategist/warrior-monk, opened his lectures on strategy with this example: “Imagine that you are -- on a ski slope with other skiers—retain this image in Florida riding in an outboard motorboat—maybe even towing...

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Still Training After All These Years

 Gratitude to Guro Mike O'Melia, of the Sayoc Clan, Minneapolis Tribe I devote about 98% of my training development and training time to the nurturance of superior instructors in performance enhancement under extreme stress.  Most of them come from Tier One units and...

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Some Dudes I Learned From

From left to right:  John "Lofty" Wiseman, Regimental Sergeant Major, 22d Special Air Service. Sergeant Evan Marshall, Detroit Police SWAT and Firearms Instructor. Dennis Martin, co-founder of CQB Services, Hereford UK. Captain David Scott-Donelan, Rhodesian Special...

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Neurophysiology and The Real Fight

 Geoff Thompson is one of the founders of reality-based self defense. Geoff, and my friends Dennis Martin and John Brawn, were the reasons I went to the UK in the 90s to test neural-based training on the street. If you want to see how training works in a street...

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