A Detroit cop I knew back in the day once told me a story about one of his many gunfights. He was pinned down in an alley behind a dumpster while the baddy, who was stuck in a doorway down the alley, shot at him and at his partner at the other end of the alley.
“You know, I couldn’t get a clean shot at him,” the cop said. “But every once in awhile I shot at him just to let him know I was still here and I was still pissed off…”
Just a little update since I’ve been in submarine mode lately (running silent and deep) —
1. It’s the season to be jolly, so if you’re looking for presents for all the friends and fan, consider using the gifting function on Amazon and/or Smashwords and give all the people with new e-readers some new reading material:
2. I’m working hard on the revision of my new book for Baen; I think (hope) you’ll all dig it. It’s a new genre but way fun. Stay tuned. It should be out in an electronic Advanced Reading Copy in February or March, and then the scheduled pub date for e-book, mass market and/or trade paperback will be in November 2014. Takes a long time in traditional publishing, doesn’t it?
3. Once that is done, I’ll be finishing up the long overdue THREE’S WYLDE. And posting the first chapter of FOUR WYLDE (working title…LOL).
4. Taking a break from neural-based stuff while I work out some pending training things — those of you who follow that, stay tuned as well.
More later. Thanks for staying tuned!
cheers, m