
REPOST: Random Thoughts On What To Do If…

[I originally wrote this in response to the Boston Marathon bombing.  In light of recent chatter and the anniversary of 9/11, I thought I'd post it again.  May you find it useful.] Whenever there's a major terrorist event, a number of mainstream television and radio...

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The Jack of All Trades

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a...

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The Farmer’s Market: Hub of a Resilient Community

This is from a continuing series of dispatches on community resilience in my persona as the Resilient Nomad; some of these may appear in different format over on John Robb's blog "They kicked in his door, and put him and his whole family...

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Random Thoughts on Resilience

I spent a significant portion of the last four months looking at resilient communities all over the country for John Robb's site I have a post there today, about how to jump start a barter economy. We're seeing the exact thing happening...

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A Million Gallons of Water

This is part of a continuing series on various disaster and emergency preparedness issues offered as a way to promote local community resilience. I also contribute these articles often on John Robb's site During the First Gulf War (Desert...

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Random Tips for the Street

I'm at a point in a book project where I have this old gray beard, who's done a few things in his time, passing a few tips along from a lifetime of dealing with various problems...a few of the things on this list are things I've heard, a few are my thoughts, some of...

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Preparedness for the Unprepared

In preparation for the serious weather settling in on us, here’s some useful information from my files.  The first is a yes/no survey to assess your general level of preparedness; the second assesses your ability to handle a minimal power outage/winter storm...

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