The podcast below is one of the best overviews on the role artificial intelligence can play in special operations. General McChrystal and the CEO of Rhombus Power, Dr. Anshu Roy engage in a wide ranging dialogue that has huge significance not only for military use of artificial intelligence, but broader implications for emerging applications and interfaces with artificial intelligence.
Some great bullet points:
- How machine learning for AI can be optimized by intelligent use of human experts
- How AI enables special operators to be even more efficient
- How a DELTA NCO designed the real time data flow interface for integrating overhead imagery into real time combat — in response to intelligent questioning
- How to enhance intuition and expand the use of “super analysts” and “super operators” via artificial intelligence
- The absolute need to break down silos and bring tech people and tech translators (as Dr. Chris Macedonia described me in this post HERE) right next to the operators with the problems and the expertise on the ground.
Go HERE to listen or download the podcast. Highly recommended for the artificial intelligence, military cognitive-neuroscience, and special operations folks.