More Super Soldier Stuff

by | Jul 9, 2021

In THE BOURNE LEGACY, Jeremy Renner plays a lone wolf super-soldier enhanced by special medication pills.  As is so often the case, fiction predicts the future. Chemical, pharmaceutical, and nutraceuticals are being integrated into existing full-spectrum protocols to enhance the performance of special operators. That is, to take operators and turn them into Super Soldiers. I have an interest and minor involvement in a few programs examining this area. My focus is on “making snowmobiles” or applying training design principles to integrate with a medically driven enhancement program that blends nutrition, enhancement supplements, mind-body exercise, electromagnetic cognitive enhancement, brain-computer interface, exercise, and specialized exercises to create and maintain cognitive dominance in this and future generations of Super Soldiers.

See these articles:

In the mean time, me and Steve are going out to look for a good local blues bar.
